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  • elfinwaffle

Grab your cape mama!

No Mr Joker, I’ve not danced with the devil in the pale moonlight. But have YOU ever drank a coffee while a tiny human sits in your lap and takes a dump?

I thought not.

We all know mums are superhero’s. That’s a given. Our powers aren’t bestowed upon us by a radioactive spider or even a billion dollar bank account (if only!). Ours are practical, unique to our child and genuinely phenomenal.

We’re psychic, we can move while carrying twice our body weight, we grew entire new organs, we go hours without a break and days without sleep. Our well of love and empathy has no bottom and our patience knows no limits. But it’s the every day tips and tricks, the peek-a-boos and the secret tickle spots that really set us apart.

So tell me, what’s your Mummy Super Power? I’ll go first.

I do everything one handed. Make lunch, do the laundry, make bottles, feed the cat. You name it I’ve done it holding this wiggle monster.

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