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  • elfinwaffle

Marvellous day!

Just wanted to have a teeny tiny brag on my boy.

I’ve been working really hard to get him acclimated to going out to busier places and being around more people. We went for a tour of his nursery and it was fab so I’m now hyper aware that he can get a teeny bit upset around new people or large groups. He’s never met another baby or child too which we’re also going to be working on. Basically I have the world smallest involuntary hermit.

Anyway! Earlier this week I decided to go into town with with my mum for the day and I was a bit worried, going shopping, long day, being in his pram for an hour or more at a time. I genuinely expected him to go full Tasmanian Devil and cause some kind of international incident in the homeware department of John Lewis! But honestly he was an absolute dream, he was happy and chatty and smiling at everyone. He eventually got restless so we stopped for some lunch and he actually ate at the table so tidily! And then HE FELL ASLEEP!! He hasn’t slept in his pram for a month now. Amazing!!!

Honestly he was so well behaved and I was just so proud of him! He even kept his little outfit nice and clean!

AND! After almost a week of refusing all savoury food I finally found something he’s willing to eat! Falafel! He DEVOURED it. I’m sure it’s just a phase or not liking savoury but I was getting so stressed.

Anyway. That’s my brag. Please please join in. Put aside the crappy sleep or fussy eating for a second and as I always say, what’s your silver lining? What’s your LO been up to?

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