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  • elfinwaffle

Please don’t jinx it

He is FINALLY asleep. Please don’t jinx it, please please, please! Thirteen and a half hours. That’s how long LO has been awake today. Unless you count the half hour he took at 2pm and the 20 minutes he had at 7pm. He has been awake ALL DAY.

I am exhausted. He has two teeth coming through and he’s been yelling constantly. I’m so sick of being kicked and punched and having my hair pulled and my face scratched. I spend all day playing and placating him, I eat all my (infrequent) meals on his playmat or stood up walking him around. Nothing seems to tire him out.

All I want is to not go to bed dehydrated and covered in bruises. I want to have time to brush my hair without him clawing at my leg because I put him down for 30 seconds. I’m sick of the 10:00pm, 10:30pm, 11:00pm bedtimes with seven hour wake windows. I want to actually eat dinner rather than inhale two bits of toast once he’s finally gone to bed.

And before anyone says anything, sleep training isn’t for us, I know he won’t respond to it and I honestly don’t have the heart for it. So keep that one to yourselves thank you please.

And yes, I have a husband who I love dearly and LO adores. He’s brilliant at playing and always makes LO smile and laugh but my god if he can’t do it from the sofa with one eye on the football the man is about as useful as a cöck flavoured lollipop. He works long hours and is a fantastic provider but definitely doesn’t have the patience for the baby stage.

I just want an afternoon to read the magazine I bought five months ago, have a hot coffee, and clean the bathroom. That’s all I want.

I’m ranting. I know I am. I’m exhausted and malnourished and emotionally drained. I know how lucky I am. We have a beautiful home and our son is healthy and happy, he eats whatever we give him and hasn’t ever been poorly but oh. My. Good. God. He just won’t stop. I can’t even figure out where he gets the energy because it’s sure as shiitake not from napping!

As always, I look for the silver lining. He ate rice for the first time today, proper rice, which means we’re getting ready to move away from purée. Oh and I got a new mop which is really exciting.

So goodnight friends, from your perpetually exhausted Elf, may tomorrow bring long and frequent naps and endless mugs of coffee.

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