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  • elfinwaffle

JFF - this time last year

A little bit of Friday fun. I realised that this time last year I was working from home, nauseous as all holy hell, hiding my pregnancy and had just been for my first midwife appointment. So I thought, what are the things that I wouldn’t be doing a year ago that seem totally normal now? This is what I have so far, please add your own!

-sitting on the floor watching my son kick about nappy free, chilling Winnie the Pooh style.

-placating a baby, who has no grasp on the English language, to let me just get that big bogey from his nose

-taking pictures of the piles of hair that comes out EVERY DAY

-swaying back and forth wherever I go, in an effort to calm the baby, even though he’s in his bouncer/cot/pram/nowhere near me

-creating a newer and deeper bond with my espresso machine, we have become truly symbiotic.

-I now don’t think twice about getting any and all bodily fluids on my person, frankly it’s usually hilarious.

-I frequently put someone else’s feet in my mouth now, because his toesy-woesies are just so damn edible!

-saying “how we doing little man” four thousand times a day

-going for a poo and being joined by a small human and a large cat, both of which stare directly in my eye as I sit in my most vulnerable state

-considering 8am a bloody good lie in and being glad of it

-brushing my teeth at 2pm because I can’t be 100% sure I did it when I got up

-cycling through 45 emotions in 45 minutes, realising I’m over thinking nappy rash and will feel better if I could just shave my damn legs in peace.

-finally, reading this post aloud to my almost 5 month old offspring who couldn’t give a gnats fart because he’s going to town on his teether. But who else am I going to have proof it?

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