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  • elfinwaffle

Looking for those silver linings

The majority of us here fall into three camps, those who’ve not started yet, those in the thick of it and those who’ve emerged from the other side. I am of course talking about the legendary four month sleep regression (cue crash of thunder and distant scream).

I, like many FTMs, approached this stage with trepidation, I could feel a cold sweat and a mild palpitation as the calendar hit that four month mark. I stocked up on coffee and fresh pjs. I crossed every finger and toe hoping that somehow I’d birthed the exception. Maybe my wee man would tip his hat, give me a wave and curl up into a little ball and hibernate through the lot, all to save his poor momma the assault on her sanity.

I can tell you now, that is not what happened. It started gently, some fussy nap times, refusing the bottle, wiggling about in his sleep. That was all a ruse, the little blighter was just easing me into it. We’re half way through and the fruit of my loins has turned sour. He spins in his cot, gets himself stuck, goes six or seven hours without a nap, wakes frequently in the night, refusing to go back to sleep. He yells CONSTANTLY.

We’re two weeks in and I’m looking less Elfin and more Gollum. My skin is wan, my hair is falling out by the fist full, I scurry from one dimly lit room to the next, clutching my precious. I’ve strapped myself to the mast and riding this storm full force.

There seems little room for positivity here, I sound like I’m piling misery on misery. I can hear those of you who’re only starting this journey wringing your hands, those who’re on the other side are obviously napping through this longwinded odyssey, and I don’t blame you.

The purpose of this exhaustive and self indulgent post is to say, we found our silver lining. Yesterday evening, as I feverishly shovelled a store bought lasagne into my face while LO was distracted on his mat, it finally happened. He rolled over. I squeaked, not wanting to startle the poor little bug. He finally did it! My tummy time hating, lazy as can be, little monster finally went back to belly. What an absolute babe.

It’s crappy, I’m tired, it’s not easy and what works for one baby certainly won’t work for the next. Why make it easy when we can sob silently as we rock, bounce, swing or snuggle our babies until they drift off to the land of nod. None the wiser and no less adorable.

So please, if you’ve made your way this far, share your silver lining. What has made this more bearable? Has your LO rolled over? Have they suddenly started sitting? Anything counts, whatever made you squeak is worth it’s weight in coffee beans and then some.

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