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  • elfinwaffle

New House Rule

Oh boy, the four month sleep regression has hit HARD. This is part rant, part plea for sympathy.

I thought we were having it easy, fussy feeding time, refusing to nap here and there, but no. It turns out that was just the amuse bouche, the teaser, the coming-soon-to-a-theatre-near-you.

Since Friday LO has been very difficult. I’m lucky if I get an hours nap from him before 4pm. He fusses and yells and won’t sit still and his mood swings! Oh my god one second he’s laughing and then like someone flicks a switch he’s crying. He’s spinning in his cot at night, waking himself up when he hits the side. It’s exhausting, and the little monster has the AUDACITY to look me in the eye and yawn at me as I try to bounce him to sleep for the 40th time.

If I do manage to get him down for a nap he’ll startle awake all by himself or the smallest thing will wake him, like a fudging yawn!

Earlier today husband was doing some work in the garden, I said I was going to feed LO and hopefully he would go down for a nap. What happens? He’s asleep all of 20 minutes husband comes barrelling indoors shouting my name. Apparently he just HAD to know which countries were formerly part of Russia. Obviously this wakes the baby, but somehow I’m the wanker?! “Oh well I just won’t come into the house from now on.” I would like to think Husband doesnt realise how loud he actually is. But somehow this man manages to open and close doors with such ferocity it jostles the udders of cows three villages over. He wields a teaspoon like Thor and his hammer. Even showering requires a 12 piece band and a pressure washer.

So, my new rule for the next month is just assume the baby is asleep. That’s all this sleep deprived mummy goblin asks. I want this house to be quieter than Tutankhamen’s tomb! The kind of silence Buddhist monks would envy.

Now, excuse me while I go and chop up 40000 egg cartons to start sound insulating every *** wall!

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